Monday, October 31, 2016

Free Download - Vincent's Word Studies in the New Testament for ESword

Marvin Vincent begin his commentary with these words:

New Testament commentaries are so numerous, and, many of them, so good, that a new essay requires some explanation. The present work is an attempt in a field which, so far as I am aware, is not covered by any one book, though it has been carefully and ably worked by many scholars. Taking a position midway between the exegetical commentary and the lexicon and grammar, it aims to put the reader of the English Bible nearer to the stand-point of the Greek scholar, by opening to him the native force of the separate words of the New Testament in their lexical sense, their etymology, their history, their inflection, and the peculiarities of their usage by different evangelists and apostles.

You can download this excelent commentary following this link

Monday, October 24, 2016

How to obtain your free copy of The Voice New Testament

The Voice is an English translation of the Bible developed by Thomas Nelson (a subsidiary of News Corp) and the Ecclesia Bible Society. The Voice is a modern language, dynamic equivalent translation. The New Testament was released in November 2011, and the full Bible was released in April 2012.